The Past Shaping the 2024 J&K Assembly Elections: A UPSC Perspective

The Past Shaping the 2024 J&K Assembly Elections: A UPSC Perspective


The upcoming 2024 Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections are set against a backdrop of significant historical and political developments. Since the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, which led to the reorganization of the erstwhile state into two Union Territories—Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh—the region has undergone profound changes in its governance, administrative structure, and socio-political landscape. Understanding these changes and their implications for the 2024 elections is crucial for UPSC aspirants, as it covers key aspects of Indian polity, governance, and contemporary issues.

Article 370: Background and Implications

  1. What is Article 370?
  • Article 370 was a special provision in the Indian Constitution that granted autonomous status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. It allowed the state to have its own constitution, flag, and autonomy over all matters except defense, communications, finance, and foreign affairs.
  • This Article was incorporated as a temporary provision in 1949, intending to recognize the unique circumstances under which Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India after independence. Article 370 limited the Indian Parliament’s powers to legislate for the state, requiring the state’s concurrence for most laws.
  1. Key Features of Article 370:
  • Special Status: Article 370 conferred special status, allowing the state to draft its constitution and define its jurisdiction.
  • Separate Constitution: Unlike other Indian states, J&K had its own Constitution and laws, which could not be amended or annulled by the Indian Parliament without the state’s consent.
  • Article 35A: This provision, linked to Article 370, granted special rights and privileges to the permanent residents of J&K, including employment and property rights, which were not available to non-residents.
  1. Abrogation of Article 370 and Its Impact:
  • On August 5, 2019, the Government of India revoked Article 370 and Article 35A, effectively ending J&K’s special status. This move was accompanied by the bifurcation of the state into two Union Territories: Jammu and Kashmir (with a legislative assembly) and Ladakh (without a legislative assembly).
  • The abrogation was justified by the government as a means to fully integrate J&K into India, promote economic development, and eliminate terrorism and separatism.

Impact on the 2024 J&K Assembly Elections:

  1. Political Realignment and New Players:
  • The political landscape in J&K has significantly changed post-abrogation. Traditional parties like the National Conference (NC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which were vocal against the revocation of Article 370, are re-evaluating their strategies.
  • New parties and political alliances have emerged, such as the Apni Party and the Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference, which are trying to position themselves as alternatives to the traditional powerhouses.
  1. Focus on Development and Governance:
  • The 2024 elections are expected to focus heavily on issues of governance, development, and employment rather than solely on identity politics. The central government’s push for investments, infrastructure development, and tourism revival in the region is likely to be key electoral issues.
  • Voters may evaluate the performance of the Union Territory administration over the past few years, including the handling of security, economic opportunities, and public services.
  1. Security Dynamics and Electoral Conduct:
  • Security remains a critical factor in J&K elections. The restoration of peace and curtailment of terrorism post-2019 will play a pivotal role in shaping voter perceptions.
  • Ensuring a safe and fair election process will be a priority, with heavy security deployment and monitoring expected to prevent violence and electoral disruptions.
  1. Restoration of Statehood Debate:
  • One of the main demands from political parties and the public in Jammu and Kashmir is the restoration of its statehood. The central government has indicated that statehood will be restored at an appropriate time, but this remains a contentious issue that could dominate the electoral discourse.

Relevance for UPSC Aspirants:

  1. Polity and Governance:
  • The abrogation of Article 370 is a landmark event in Indian constitutional history. Aspirants need to understand its legal, political, and social implications, as well as its impact on federalism, autonomy, and regional governance.
  1. Current Affairs and Security:
  • Understanding the ongoing developments in J&K is crucial for current affairs preparation. It highlights how historical decisions can shape contemporary politics, regional security, and developmental priorities.
  1. Ethics and Federalism:
  • The situation in J&K raises ethical questions related to federalism, governance, and the balance between national security and regional autonomy. It provides a case study for discussing the challenges of integrating diverse regions within a federal framework.


The 2024 Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections will be the first since the abrogation of Article 370, making them a significant political event. These elections will test the impact of recent policy changes and gauge public sentiment towards the new governance structure. For UPSC aspirants, this scenario provides critical insights into the complexities of Indian federalism, regional politics, and the evolving dynamics of state-center relations.

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